M1911 .45 CALIBER AUTOMATIC PISTOL - non firing replica Product DetailsThis is one of the best replicas available in the world today. It is imported exlusively by Collector's Armoury and supply is limited! This classic reproduction has over 30 metal and wood parts. This metal (zinc), non firing "Replica Model" is a detailed reproduction of the standard government issued sidearm of the U.S. soldier from 1911 to the 1980's. It is a rugged, reliable .45 caliber pistol rich in history and tradition from the border campaigns against Pancho Villa through WWl, WWll, Korea and Vietnam.Features Length: 8.5" Weight: 2.5lbs NOTE; WE DO NOT SHIP OVERSEAS, OR CANADA, ONLY THE CONTINENTAL USA. WE DO NOT SHIP TO LOS ANGELES, CA, NEW YORK CITY, STATE OF MA., OR KS., OR MO. THERE MAY ME LOCAL OR OTHER LAWS IN YOUR STATE THEY MAY PROHIBIT THE PURCHASE OF THIS ITEM. WE DO NOT SELL TO ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 21, YOU ARE CERTIFYING SUCH WHEN PURCHASES, AN ADULT SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED WHEN DELIVERED.